Here are 10 charts which caught our attention last month 👇
1. India needs >20% year over year spending increases to fund its 2030+ renewable energy targets
2. ‘Average’ year for wildfires.. but zooming into regional trends shows a different story (see link)
3. We love consumer: household spending is still 60%+ of UK GDP
4. Plotting positive vs. negative time impacts for various health technologies (based on staff time impact)
5. Activity levels for 60+ year olds relative to relative risk: who is working out >50m each day?
6. Framework to think about the two types of Gen Zs
7. Fewer ‘fresh’ divorces in England & Wales: 17% divorce in first 10 years in 2012, compared to 25% in the 1990s
8. Health & Defence spending between 1950s and 2020s (lots of great charts in the Mainly Macro newsletter)
9 “Situationship” with AI companions: one report shows 3 in 4 turning to AI companions at least once a week
10. Caregiver burnout hitting adult carers the hardest (also seen in ONS data)
✍🏽 Week in Impact Articles
Monday: The Platform Evolution Cycle
Tuesday: Tour a British heat pump owner's house
Wednesday: France Bets on Medical AI, to Train 100,000 Doctors Yearly
Thursday: Tech to save time: how the NHS can realise the benefits
🗣️ Review of the Week
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